
Today, if still incarnated, he [Chico Xavier] would be turning 108.

He was more than a medium — he was a “direct” Voice representing the Christ JESUS ​​to Earth.

He was beyond the Spiritist doctrine – he lived the Christianity, in its full essence of universal love and integration, overcoming barriers of religions or [...]

Rebuke on women (*1) (*2)

You ask me, my dear, what to do with men. And I tell you, very simply: let them be men.

Women like sensible men… like an effeminate…

Gallant, like a good jerk who approaches all women very well… saying everything they want to hear… paying lip service.

Careful with the children, like a [...]

Invitation to the Supreme Mission


We were all gathered in an amphitheatre of the Higher Plane, for a long service of shared prayers, in favor of the dilution of the grave civilizational crisis that the planet goes through, when She manifested Herself, Full of Grace:

“Let’s change the course of events on Earth, by a profound modification of [...]