Invitation to the Supreme Mission


We were all gathered in an amphitheatre of the Higher Plane, for a long service of shared prayers, in favor of the dilution of the grave civilizational crisis that the planet goes through, when She manifested Herself, Full of Grace:

 “Let’s change the course of events on Earth, by a profound modification of our feelings…” – said the Motherly Majesty of Spirituality in the orb, in an extreme expression of humility, including Herself in the need for inner change. And, after a short pause, She concluded:

“Above all, let us urge our sisters and brothers who are housed in physical bodies to improve their level of their life purposes and of their spiritual disciplines, because, immersed in the ocean of the collective psyche, they enjoy more effective means to interact directly with the deadly forces of disaggregation and, thus, to weaken their lethal effect upon the lines of future events of the globe…”


In interaction with the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Psychography received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil

September 17, 2017


Invitation to the Supreme Mission

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