Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar


Writer, international speaker, TV presenter, medium and spiritual leader, Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar Machado was born on October 26, 1970 in Aracaju, in the State of Sergipe, Brazil.

Fascinated by the paranormal subject and by understanding the anguishes of the human condition, at the early age of twelve, he comes across the famous Plato’s “Myth of the Cave” whose symbolic, deeply complex and mystical implications, greatly intrigue his intelligence. From then on, after a series of studies on Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as extra-sensory phenomenology and several schools of Depth Psychology, especially the archetypical and transpersonal schools, he becomes a spiritist, in February 1988.

In 1989, he enters the school of Law at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), and continues his studies until his senior year, when he decides to drop out, because he feels that it is not the field where he should work. He begins then, to dedicate himself exclusively to the work he had already started in the area of television, writing and public speaking, all of them focused on the mass dissemination of Spiritism (currently: Christian-Spiritual Thought), in its modern and progressive form.

In July 1988, his Spiritual Guide, Eugênia, makes herself visible to him for the first time, during an out of the body experience, a fact that marks the start of the Quantum Leap Project, an ecumenical organization, that aims to spread spiritualist ideals in harmony with contemporary standards of thought and behaviour. To achieve its main purpose of advancing happiness through the enlightenment of consciences it uses a rational and pragmatic approach, taking in consideration the modern discoveries of Science and making use of mass communication resources, with special focus on television.

In a normal state of awareness, it was only in April 1989 that he had his first encounter with the spiritual guide who directly assists him in all activities directed to the collectivity. Her name, Eugênia, would be revealed to him only in 1991, when his channelling exercises, in increasing development since then, effectively began. Nowadays, through his mediumship, pages of enlightenment from the wise “Master of Happiness” are posted periodically on this website or published as books.

On April 26, 1990 when he was 19 years old, he published his first article, entitled “Pain”, in the extinct newspaper Jornal da Manha (Morning News), effectively starting his work with the public.

On May 1, 1991, at the age of 21, he gives his first lecture in the Spiritist Center “Amor e Luz” (Love and Light), in the city of Itabaiana, Sergipe. In the same year, he begins to take part in the still existing program “Momentos de Luz” (Moments of Light), on Atalaia AM radio station, under the responsibility of the Spiritist Federation of the State of Sergipe.

On February 4, 1992 he founds the not for profit organization Philanthropic Society Mary of Nazareth where, weekly, public sessions offering lectures, debates, prayer and reflection about timeless spiritual themes, focusing on existential questions and modern issues, are held.

On January 22, 1994 he launches the TV program – then called “Além da Morte” (Beyond Death) – aired live, up until today, in Sergipe, weekly, with one hour of duration, including cinematographic illustrations and presenting a spiritual approach of ecumenical and universalist nature, dynamic and interactive, with the participation of spectators over the phone, whose questions and/or theme suggestions are explained by the presenter, specially inspired by the wisdom of his Spiritual Mentor, Eugênia.

On June 3, 1995 for 4 months, the program is broadcasted live, with the same interactive style, by Aratu TV in the State of Bahia, and its associated stations, becoming then the first Spiritist TV program to be broadcasted regionally. On January 29, 1996 with the new name: “Perspectivas além da Morte” (Perspectives beyond Death), but keeping the same format, the program starts to be broadcasted nationwide by satellite TV, in Brazil and at least five neighbouring countries, becoming a pioneer again, as the first national program in the history of Spiritism.

On August 12, 1997, it is launched as the first spiritist TV program in the United States of America, as well as the first international program in the history of Spiritism, in the Community Access Channel of Danbury, Connecticut, remaining on air, on a weekly basis, for thirteen months. The program has already been broadcasted on national television – between July 2001 and December 2004, by Rede Brasil (TVE-RJ); and between March 2007 and January 2009, by CNT TV. Today, the program has the same name as the Institute, “Salto Quântico” (Quantum Leap) and is aired live every Saturday morning by Aperipê TV, in Aracaju, Sergipe. It can also be watched on the website.

Since early 1994, aided by an increasing group of loyal and active supporters, Benjamin starts a social work project in his hometown, assisting the poor neighbourhood of Santa Maria, in the outskirts of Aracaju, carrying out several activities directed toward the advancement of the human being, with its main attention to spiritual education, professional training, medical and dental care, among other important factors to dignify and reintegrate the individual into society.

On May 27, 1995 comes to light his first book, a romance, dictated by the spirit Gustavo Henrique, “A Princesa do Mediterrâneo” (The Princess of the Mediterranean), which is the biography of the second last reincarnation of his spiritual guide, Eugenia. Soon after, he receives the first essays that would give birth to the book “Andrômeda”, authored by the very spirit guide Eugenia, which still remains unfinished, for personal reasons. The book portrays a city of the same name, located close to Aracaju, in the extra-physical realm of life. During 1996 and 1997 three more books are published: “Enteléquia”, “Metanóia” and “Alfa-Ômega”.

On July 25, 1998 he publishes the trilogy: “Retratos do Amor”, “Vincos de Luz” e “Sol de Esperança” (Portraits of Love, Creases of Light and Sun of Hope), a collection of messages from several spirits, and on May 1, 1999 they are followed by one more work of his own: “Como Ser Feliz – Deus como seu Parceiro” (How to be Happy – God as your Partner). On June 30, 2000, he publishes the first chanelled book authored exclusively by Eugenia, entitled “Perspectivas” (Perspectives), followed by the compilations “Em Busca da Transcendência” e “Alamedas” (The Quest for Transcendence and Alamedas), which gather messages of several spirits, received from August 2000 to January 2001. “Reflexões Matinais” (Morning Reflections), the first electronic pocket-book, dictated by several spirits, comes to light on May 10, 2001. In 2004, a new collection of messages is edited, “Em Busca do Si” (In Search of the Self), also from several spiritual authors.

In January of the same year, the publication of his fifteenth book takes place: the mediumistic novel “Almas Gêmeas” (Soul Mates), by the spirit Gustavo Henrique. Finally, in July 2005, his latest editorial release was “Maria Cristo” (Mary Christ), which was dictated by his spiritual Mentor, comprising two volumes  bundled in one single book: the first volume presents the argument which led to the event with the same name, already in its second edition (Mary Christ 2006, which brought together an extraordinary public participation, estimated in about 4,500 people, making it one of the largest spiritist events in the world), and, the second volume is a novel, written in an enjoyable and refined language.

Annually, since 1996, he carries out a circuit of lectures in the United States, mostly in the States of New York and Connecticut. In 1997, the cities of Bern, Zurich and Römlung, in Switzerland, were added to the circuit of international lectures.

Since 2000, when the Portuguese version of the website ( was created, he publishes messages of his own mediumistic work, daily, offering to the public true pearls of wisdom, which clearly shows the superhuman origin of the concepts and ideas proposed, always encouraging deep self-awareness, personal fulfilment in all departments of life and the search for the communion with the Divine.