New World.

New world.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

Clear the passages to your soul. Do not fear your feelings. Let them flow freely, even if, after having allowed them to emerge into consciousness, you decide not to turn them into behavior.

The connection between the conscious and unconscious [...]

What is sanctity?

Part of “What is sanctity?”


Nowadays, enlightened men and women do not yearn for ‘sanctity’, they seek to be mature and fair, in the fulfilment of duties they perceive as their responsibility, not by delegation of today’s morals and legislation, but as an assignment of their own conscience, which often, [...]

What is sanctity?


Part of “What is sanctity?”


Not having sex? Obeying social conventions? Renouncing material responsibilities?

These three attitudes are today rightfully interpreted as manifestations of hypocrisy, psychological illness, ignorance or avoidance of one’s duty.

There were, however, those who have lived the classic stereotype of the ‘saint’ and were a truly noble spirits, [...]

What is Sanctity?


What is Sanctity?

Not having sex? Obeying social conventions? Renouncing material responsibilities?

These three approaches are today rightfully interpreted as manifestations of hypocrisy, psychological illness, ignorance or avoidance of one’s duty.

There have been, however, those who have lived the classic stereotype of the ‘saint’ and were a truly noble spirits, but because [...]

Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself

Part of “Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself”

Your expressions of primitivism will be forgiven, to the extent that you compensate yourself, before the Laws of Life, by doing good to an even greater extent. Do not waste time blaming yourself: focus on working toward the extension of good to [...]