Assembly about the Pathway.

Assembly about the pathway.

Life is full of pleasant and unpleasant surprises, to awaken the not yet activated layers of psychic content and to elaborate conscience, toward even higher levels of lucidity and experience.




Let your life take unexpected routes, in the hands of Jesus. The Christ awaits [...]

Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself

Part of “Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself”

Your expressions of primitivism will be forgiven, to the extent that you compensate yourself, before the Laws of Life, by doing good to an even greater extent. Do not waste time blaming yourself: focus on working toward the extension of good to [...]

Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself

Part of “Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself”



The Goodness of the Creator never closes the doors of repentance and reparation on the sinner. Therefore, if you feel yourself a rebel of the Divine Light, know that this is only an impression of yours. Under the eyes of the Lord, [...]

Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself

Part of “Assembly about dealing with the primitive in oneself”


The truth is only one, but it expresses itself in infinite ways. Do not tie your self to collective or familial configurations of truth, to in turn be accepted and loved. Yes, you should not be a foolish and irreverent rebel. But, you [...]

Identifying an Envoy from Heaven

“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases.” (Luke, 9:1)


Spiritual Government

“Jesus affirmed: ‘My Kingdom is not of this world.’ There are governments in the physical domain and their representatives, but only one Spiritual Government and its [...]