New World.

New world.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

 Clear the passages to your soul. Do not fear your feelings. Let them flow freely, even if, after having allowed them to emerge into consciousness, you decide not to turn them into behavior.

The connection between the conscious and unconscious mind is fundamental for the fullness of the being. The mind is similar to an iceberg. The conscious part is a very small tip – which does not tell of the giant block of ice that lies below, underneath the water.

Try therapy, talking to friends, opening up to someone you fully trust, counseling with your spiritual mentor. In short: seek to reconnect with your deep self, by all means within your reach, externally speaking.

And above all, devote yourself to prayer, to meditation, to reflecting on serious subjects, to good spiritual reading, to anything that, in terms of internal attitudes, leads you to dive into the ocean of your most sacred waters, the psychic waters of your deep unconscious.

Deep down, after facing all the dragons and dangers – most of them imaginary – you will find the Light of God, shining with opportunities of being and of self-realization, just like the Discoverers of the Americas, who feared being swallowed by fearsome dragons, and, yet, after crossing the vastness of the oceans, found the New World…

You will discover your New World of unknown happiness, of unthinkable possibilities, of unimaginable growth for now. You cannot even imagine what is to come, of wonderful and grandiose nature, which the Divine Providence, in Its Infinite Love, has reserved for you.

(Message received on March 9, 2001.)


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