Robots of the routine 


Are you afraid of being unhappy? Then invest in your happiness now. Do something your heart asks of you, something as simple as going to the park after work or reading your child a story until they fall asleep.

Do not put off moments of peace and bliss because they [...]

Majestic Visit


Majestic Visit

And Holy MARY, in an environment ultra-prepared for the Sublime Occasion, with caravans of visitors from many cities of the extraphysical domain of existence, echoed Her VOICE, before the enraptured audience — which included, in smaller number, incarnate people —, speaking in the Name of GOD’s Maternal [...]

Time of faith, without utopia or superstition

Time of faith, without utopia or superstition

If your life’s circumstance is not favorable, exercise being at peace! Not the peace of superstitious and fanatical accommodation — which does not exactly constitute peace, but rather negligence, inconsequence and lack of common sense.

Discipline yourself [...]

Happiness without delays

Happiness without delays

Instead of complaining that something is wrong:

1. Look at what, in practical terms, you can do to solve the issue.

2. Otherwise, see how you can compensate yourself for the frustration that saddens you.

3. Notice the beautiful side of life, the positive aspects, [...]

Evolutionary Downloads

Evolutionary Downloads


The crises of adult life, the childhood traumas, the great setbacks and frustrations of the existence, as a whole, besides offering, more effectively, the “download” of evolutionary achievements that the spirit brings latent, in the depths of their unconscious, deriving from previous reincarnations, also maximize [...]