Constructor of Your Own Future.


To fight against one’s destiny is the same as acting like a young child that closes her eyes to the motorized vehicle that comes, out of control, in her direction, assuming the danger doesn’t exist because it can’t be seen. Do not struggle against unhappy circumstances. Map the situation. Study alternative solutions. [...]

Fundamental Reservation.


Reserve, for your dearest friends, special moments, dedicated to fraternal exchange of spiritual elements. Be careful not to invest the best of your time and energy in what will not make any difference, in the capital moment of leaving this world, where you are temporarily: belongings, titles, external achievements in general. Only the accomplishments [...]

Past, Present and Future.


If you have reached a minimum level of awareness and maturity, in addition to some years after getting to adulthood, you have what to look at, in retrospect, and what to be sad for, be it due to omissions or because of conducts that you disapprove of today. Remember, however, my friend, [...]



Commit yourself to the ideal of Light, at least as much as you do with regard to the material domain of life. Subatomic Physics reveals that, in its first and last substance, matter is a concentrate of information and consciousness, an infinite core of possibilities, of Light… It is on [...]

In Favor or Against?


Nobody becomes or is induced to be gay. If that was so, there would be no homosexuals in a world of dominant heterosexuality. The percentage of homosexuals in the high ranks of geniuses in History is clearly superior to the gay contingent in the general population. For decades, Science and the most educated and [...]