Happiness is…

The result of a conduct guided by decency toward one’s fellows, coherence with oneself, devotion to God through the fulfillment of one’s vocation.

Father Gustavo Henrique

Intelligence and creativity, sportsmanship and tranquility in the effort to offer the best of oneself to the common good, fulfilling the purpose designated by a Higher Force for one’s existence, within or outside of material bodies.

Dr. Temístocles

Be yourself, without hypocrisy, focused on your ideal. Other than that, my dear, you are…— a censored word that I refuse to replace with an elegant substitute.

Roberto Daniel

The careful orchestration of the whole psychological constellation so that each sub-personality component of the Total-Self has the opportunity to manifest itself through the priority filters determined by the Divine-Self, the ultimate Center of the individual. The playful or spoiled child, the hungry but pure animal, the nurturing and inspiring femininity, the brave and executive warrior, all concatenated by the inner sage.

Dr. Demetrius

To have the heart tuned with Jesus through the continuous and varied practice of charity toward any of the Lord’s creatures.

Sister Brígida

To be practical in attending to the various dimensions of oneself – physical, psychological, professional, social – with balance and with reasonable or even modest expectations, so that worldly ambitions or narcissistic fantasies do not replace the principle of prioritizing what matters above all: the aspirations of the immortal Spirit – the essence of the human being. In this way, as Jesus taught, all other things will be added.

Lucas Desiderium

To always speak the truth to oneself, to dose the truth to the conditions of perception of each person, to hide the truth from perverse and cynical creatures. And, as the main goal of life, seek, with passion and perseverance, higher levels of truth, because personal truth, which is invariably relative, distorted and limited, does not dispense the endless contributions of spiritual evolution in infinite degrees toward the Eternal and Absolute Truth of God!…

Egberto de Alexandria

Devotion to the family, be it the biological one, one of the close friends, or the whole humanity at the level of understanding of this concept that one has.

Elvira Dias

Not to obey external expectations but to the calls of one’s own nature or personal mission. And to meet, with courage and determination, all the demands resulting from the inevitable and systematic adversities that arise for those who have the audacity to not give in to morals or dominant values, in a certain time or culture in which they are inserted.

Renato Otaviano

To be logical enough to understand that logic does not embrace all the complexity of life and that only by opening up to the suprarational is it possible to have a more realistic and complete notion of the inextricable subjectivity that permeates God’s Universe. In short: to adopt a worldview that includes the Divine in Creation. Or you will have to face the anguish of chaos and meaninglessness of life and the substantial insignificance of your own existence, the total lack of value of your consciousness…

Clóvis Mozart Teixeira

Self-knowledge and everything related to it: psychotherapy, the study of spiritual matters, engagement in support groups for the concretization of projects concerning the impulses of the soul that one feels to be fair and good.

Dr. Lidiane

Daily prayer, attendance to a religious or spiritual group of one’s preference, weekly therapy, daily practice of the Gospel, and… sense! —  What Jesus called “watch,” because it is always very easy to let ourselves be seduced by the vagaries of the moment…

Maria Luíza

Full dedication to that which one believes, perceives, or intuits to be the Will of God for oneself, an understanding that must be continuously adjusted in accordance with the new knowledge and experiences that one accumulates over time. The Will of God, if correctly interpreted, necessarily represents the best for the individual and for the collectivity.


A universal right, a duty to oneself, a karma-challenge for the most lucid souls, a thermometer that signals the right path to follow. But it will never constitute immediate, constant or irresponsible joy because only by striving in the search for transcendence and attending to the calls of love, through the channels of wisdom and service to the common good, can one really be happy!

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Many Spirits
September 5th, 2014

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