Women vs. weapons 

Written statement submitted by Instituto Salto Quantico (Sociedade Filantrópica Maria de Nazaré, an organization with special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council) for the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women¹.

It is well known that [...]

Genuine Christian peace

Those who love care, but also educate. And those who educate are not always gentle in the way they act.

Therefore, do not trouble yourself when faced with the moral need to be stern for the sake of those within your scope of personal responsibility, [...]

Dead queen and Eternal Queen

Since childhood, I have nurtured a significant fondness for the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth II. Over time, it turned into pity, given the weight of dire responsibilities the crown imposed on her.

I was surprised, although moved by compassion, by the commotion of crowds, on the occasion of the carnal demise of an almost century-old [...]