What is infinite – God or human intelligence?

You ask me: why does this happen? And I remind you, first, that asking deep and pertinent questions, whether personal or more comprehensive, is an excellent exercise in lucidity, provided that it is combined with the correlated philosophical effort to seek benevolent or evolutionary meaning and purpose in everything, even if these positive contours are not normally discovered in superficial and hasty approaches, even when such a  priori assessments seem intelligent from the perspective of the mentality of a specific time and culture.

God does not make mistakes, beloved child. It is the human capacity for reasoning and cognition that is limited. So, if you go far enough in your reflections, there will be a point where, inexorably, you will hit a of perplexity, of paradox, of amazement.

However, if you are not presumptuous, you will not forget that no matter how sharp your wit or your knowledge, you are still only – or all of this - a human being, bearer of extraordinary potential, but also of unavoidable limitations.

Thus, if you have not achieved a complete understanding of any event, person, or thing, it is not the Supreme Being that “ceases to exist” because of that – it is your human perception that is not infinite.

Or would you rather embrace the nonsense of renouncing good sense and judging that your intelligence and knowledge no borders?

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugenia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States of America
August 10, 2022

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