To complain

To complain


To Complain


The word “complain”, in Portuguese, refers to the sense of “repeating a claim.”

If you have already registered an issue, you do not have to return to it, just to reaffirm its existence — this would be useless, unhelpful and even harmful, for focusing on the problem, rather [...]

Suffering and solution

Suffering and solution

Suffering, intrinsically, has no purifying force or function.

Pain, beloved son, beloved daughter, is an alarm (from the body or spirit), either for something bad that needs to be removed from your conduct and from your soul, or for something positive that you are not doing and needs [...]

The Solution for Everything (banner 1)


The Solution for Everything (banner 1)


Where love speaks, becomes present and, especially, is put into action, from the simple expressions of everyday kindness tu the glorious pinnacles of the greatest strokes of renunciation and martyrdom… Wickedness is neutralized. Cynicism is dissipated, like mist by the wind. Desperation is diluted by the [...]