The Obvious Way Out

Benjamin de Aguiar by the Spirit Roberto Daniel.

Hey Buddy:

Do you feel tired? Take a break, slow down your pace of work, allow yourself more leisure time.

Are you sad? Do something cheerful, try to have fun, take a walk, go to the movies, ask your wife out to a candle-light [...]

Reverberations in the Infinite

Reverberations in the Infinite.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

The reverberations of any creature’s good thoughts resound in the infinite, everywhere.

If you want to contribute to humankind’s peace and prosperity, wherever you are, in any situation you live, experience your best feeling, your best emotional pattern, your vibration of peace.

If, for example, now, you [...]

WHISPERS OF WISDOM 83 – Intelligence and Happiness.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

Nimble fingers to type, swift mind to analyze.

Would the heart be present, though?

So much thought, clear thinking, objective data, logic!

However, where is the feeling, with ethics, consciousness and value judgment?

Watch, friend, that your efficient thinking does not be a mere calculation; and do [...]

Proofs that the Holy Mary has descended and will descend again.