How to Be Happy?


Have and practice a faith in God; follow your professional vocation; invest love in family, friends and marriage; and seek a purpose to live for the sake of the common good.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Anacleto. Message received on 01/22/2013.


How Not to Apply?


Currently, more than a thousand scientific publications attest to the healing power of praying and/or meditating. The luminaires-aces, angular stones of civilizations, such as Jesus, Buddha or Moses, advocate, with emphasis, the fixation of the habit of prayer-meditation, as a basis to the fulfillment of the human being, in his/hers highest strata [...]



Commit yourself to the ideal of Light, at least as much as you do with regard to the material domain of life. Subatomic Physics reveals that, in its first and last substance, matter is a concentrate of information and consciousness, an infinite core of possibilities, of Light… It is on [...]

Stop to feel good

Benjamin Teixieira de Aguiar from the Spirit Anacleto


Make sure you are not sad due to forcing yourself to give more than you can. Discipline is the control over the possible, without the paranoia of demanding the impossible. Do not impose a superhuman workload on yourself, excluding from your [...]

The Base for Everything

Benjamin Teixeira from the spirit Anacleto

You will not have gained your day: you will have gained your life, if you establish now the absolute empire of discipline. Nothing is more important than that. With it, the rest will come as consequence, in a matter of time.
