Basis of life.


Basis of life.

The woman and the feminine constitute the factor of congregation, harmony and creation in human nature and society, while the masculine represents the aggressive-accomplisher. The Feminine is the basis of Life.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Matheus-Anacleto

Part of “Woman” [...]

Comfort from Jesus

Comfort from Jesus

Then the Lord, seeing us downcast, due to the innumerous sins that we find in the intimacy of our hearts, smiled widely and, in the eternal language of the Spirit (in its sovereign and transforming vibrations), although externally articulating in Aramaic, bringing us to tears, said:

“God is Our [...]

Ingratitude and Disgrace

Ingratitude and Disgrace


Grace is the root word which derives from the entry “gratitude”.


Who is not grateful, first to God, and, after, towards all the Sources whence emanate all the love,

the wisdom and the provision in his/her life, attracts, naturally, due to tuning, the absence of grace:



Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

by [...]


1) Universal emotion. Who denies feeling it lies to others and/or to himself.

2) Negative version of admiration.

3) Paradoxical indicative of vocational line to follow.

4) Selfishness and greed for not being able to rejoice with other’s happiness.

5) A combination of two or more [...]