Comfort from Jesus

Comfort from Jesus 


Then the Lord, seeing us downcast, due to the innumerous sins that we find in the intimacy of our hearts, smiled widely and, in the eternal language of the Spirit (in its sovereign and transforming vibrations), although externally articulating in Aramaic, bringing us to tears, said: 

“God is Our Father, not Our Censor. 

God wants our growth toward plenitude, not the castration of pharisaic appearances. 

God always forgives our faults, so thatfrom our part, we expand mercy to our fellow human beings. 

God loves us without measures, so that we transmute our smallness into greatness in the service of love toward our brothers and sisters in humanity. 

To discover a flaw in oneself constitutes precious opportunity of redemption, of spiritual awakening, and never of accusing or condemning oneself before the court of one’s own conscience, depriving oneself of sacred forces for the realization of the best. 

There is no legitimate influence of God that is not a promoter of progress, harmony and peace, in the deep recesses of the human soul. 


Spirit Matheus-Anacleto narrates an episode with JESUS 

Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar 

April 05, 2015 

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Comfort from Jesus

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