Cock-and-bull story.

Part of “Cock-and-bull story.”


To reach the topmost that you earn for, how many years of your current incarnation do you suppose should be spend? And until then? Are you not going to live, to be happy, within the range of possibility, in the now, respecting and valuing the people and [...]

Cock-and-bull story.

Part of “Cock-and-bull story”



The Chist was the supreme Master of happiness. Follow His methodological guidelines for the solution of problems and existential crises, listen to His answers to the most stunning and complex philosophical questions and dramas, which come to the mind of any person who has some degree of intelligence [...]

Jesus and clergymen.



Jesus and clergymen Jesus fought all kinds of prejudice, especially those defined by unsuitable conventions, and insincere religious authorities of his time that enforced a literal observance (and, therefore, non-spiritual) of the Bible, of its already existing Old Testament. Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia. Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar. September 4, 2015 [...]

Comfort from Jesus

Comfort from Jesus

Then the Lord, seeing us downcast, due to the innumerous sins that we find in the intimacy of our hearts, smiled widely and, in the eternal language of the Spirit (in its sovereign and transforming vibrations), although externally articulating in Aramaic, bringing us to tears, said:

“God is Our [...]