Who Chico Xavier Was and Is.

Chico Xavier

Medium Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

By the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia


He was born poor, in the Brazilian countryside, amid a semi-feudal culture. He was a man of mixed race, delicate manners, poorly graced with physical beauty, and who only had the opportunity to study up until the Fourth Grade. In short: it was the perfect life framework to grow up a sort of “nobody” – which is a jocular saying that we allow ourselves to use here with the character of reinforcing the true value of the person we allude.

A study, carried out by a representative of NASA in the late 1970s, indicated that Xavier´s aura – a phenomenon closely related to the quality and moral elevation of one’s feelings – had 20 meters in diameter.  He wrote more than 400 psychographic books, signed by hundreds of spiritual authors, addressing topics from advanced science to erudite literature. He was a trans-religious icon, admired by all Brazilian-cultural segments, decade over decade, and whose work directly inspired hundreds of social projects.

Mediumistic genius? Holy Soul, due to his unquestionably higher than normal virtues? Yes, we do not nurture doubts regarding such qualifications. However, in what concerns the role he played (and still exercises, beyond the physical plane) during his prolific and glorious reincarnation in Brazil, we would say that— symbolically, methodologically, or archetypally speaking (or however we want to interpret it)—Francisco Cândido Xavier, the lovely Chico Xavier, was, in our opinion, the Brazilian “Avatar”[1] of the twentieth century.

(Message received on 04/02/2013, on Chico Xavier´s 103rd birthday.)



[1] Medium’s note:

[1]“Avatar” is a concept from Hinduism used to make reference to beings allegedly in Buddhistic range of consciousness, who are considered incarnations of the Divinity. As it is clear in the text, the Spiritual Master, Eugênia-Aspásia, uses the word “Avatar,” to give an idea of the sacred importance and cyclopean dimension of the mission that Chico Xavier fulfilled as a medium, and as a spokesperson of the Sublime Spirituality to Brazil and abroad.

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