I am going there… and I am still here… 

Yes, I am descending… But, paradoxically, I am already there… And I will remain, at the same time, here1

Strictly speaking, I am always intertwined with the hearts of all sincere devotees of the Divine Light, disciplined practitioners of service to the common good, whether they realize this deep connection between us or not.

The fact is, simply put, that my center of consciousness will approach the surface of the Earth, on the night2 of Wednesday, March 15th, in order to better radiate to the inhabitants of this planet my vibrations of Mother of this human civilization, in the name of the Maternal Face of God.

Ultimately – it is worth remembering – the Divinity, “above” us all, is Omnipresent, although It never violates human free will, in such a way that it will always be the frequency of the feelings of each creature that will put them, more or less, in consonance with the Fundamental Axis of Life.

Make, beloved children, the systematic choice for the “good part,” the “only thing that matters,3 as the Christ-Verb Jesus asserted, and all “other things will be added to you,4 from the solution of complex everyday problems to the profound fulfillment of the soul, in the sense of peace and bliss – the indefinable happiness of those who place themselves on the tracks of the Will of the Supreme Being for them.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States or America
March 9, 2023

1. The paradox of going without leaving, of remaining There and coming down here, enunciated by Our Christic Mother, can be relatively understood, at the human level of cognition and in accordance with the conceptual schemes of present-day earthly science, through the principle of non-locality, proposed by quantum physics. However, the most relevant thing to consider is that Spirits in the Christic plane of consciousness cannot be understood in their entirety by those who are at lower evolutionary levels, just as, in a rough analogy, domestic animals are unable to conceive and comprehend the complexity of the domain of reality of their human caretakers.
(Note from the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia)

2. New York time zone.

3. Luke 10:41-42.

4. Matthew 6:36.


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