Genuine Christian peace

Those who love care, but also educate. And those who educate are not always gentle in the way they act. 

Therefore, do not trouble yourself when faced with the moral need to be stern for the sake of those within your scope of personal responsibility, as dictated by your conscience. 

Evaluate, with in-deep consideration, the measures of your affability and your severity so that you manage, in the most judicious way possible, your attitude when dealing with others. 

Apologize when you catch yourself in error and make up for mistakes you have made. However, do not allow yourself the conniving complacency with evil in the name of conventions, expectations of sweetness or accommodative choices in interpersonal relationships.  

Remember the authentic posture of Jesus and how much the Christ-Verb abhorred hypocritical behavior. 

To be Christian is to seek peace while remaining, paradoxically, combative in favor of the good and never becoming complicit with evil, no matter how elaborate the justifications for doing so are. 

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States of America
September 29, 2022

Genuine Christian peace – Message from Mary Christ

Genuine Christian peace – Message from Mary Christ 1

Genuine Christian peace - Message from Mary Christ 4






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