Oracular Speech

The Celestial Mother lovingly cast Her Eyes upon us, during a brief Sacred Meeting, and, in a fabulous synthesis of wisdom, like a Semi-Divine Oracle, declared:


May it be understood:


Free will – as an exercise of the ego toward transcendence.


Physical or intermissive life (between incarnations) – as a precious countdown timer, granted by God, for the development of specific tasks of learning and realization in the field of the common good.


Possessions and external positions, talents or inner aptitudes – as mere tools of service for the comfort, enlightenment and happiness of others.


Love and joy – as encouragement to self-giving and devotion to humanitarian and spiritual causes!…


Holy Mary,

In interaction with the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia


Psychography received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

July 22, 2018.

Oracular Speech

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