Morning Reflection – 8.

Benjamin Teixeira by the spirit Temistocles.

Break the vicious circle of your uneasiness. Observe, free of preconceived ideas, what is missing in your life, in order to feel better, what is missing to do, right now, to breath happier. And please, no idle excuses.

Do not accept living of leftovers. You are [...]

Morning Reflection – 7.

Benjamin Teixeira by the spirit Temistocles.

Whenever you go off the tracks, recant. Do not feel hurt for having slipped. You have the right to fail, and the duty to forgive yourself. If you have slipped, immediately recover the trail of your guidelines. Do not assume you are unable to follow [...]

Morning Reflection – 6

Benjamin Teixeira by the spirit Temistocles.

Complex is wishing to be happy and not being able to, or worse: not wanting to. Your neuroses are nothing more than needless pains. Cut them off your life: they are not part of you; they are delusional necessities and they lie pretending to be elements of [...]

Morning Reflection – 5.

By excess of scruples, many people fail to do what they can. To respect to some conventions, to preserve an established image and some pre-built schemes, many people renounce their originality and accept lives of paper, with souls of plastic, ready to be consumed or replaced, like leaves in the wind.

Creativity is not a [...]

Morning Reflection – 4.

Take a ride with destiny towards happiness. What seems despairing is, indeed, a great opportunity of service. Do some inner cleaning, rid yourself of useless baggage, and stop waiting for great things in your life. If you know to simplify, you will be happier. If you know to forget, you will be more at peace. [...]