How to perceive the answers of God

God always listens and, in one way or another, invariably answers all the supplications made to Him-Her. However, He-She rarely corresponds to the expectations of the supplicant or provides him/her – which is even more unusual – with spectacular miracles.

Look out for dreams, synchronicities, intuitions, apparently fortuitous events, such as a conversation with a family member or work colleague, a book that “falls” into your hands, a page that the attention industry provides you with via an electronic device.

Nevertheless, if Divinity gives you an answer, which you will never lack, be convinced that it is only the first step in a journey that you must undertake with attention and effort.

1) Try to recognize which event constitutes the Divine message.

2) Interpret the message: is it a simple affirmation or denial, a provocation for reflection or a complex combination of all these?

3) Apply the implied lesson so that, by experimenting with the conclusions drawn, you can mature, expand your horizons of perception, heal from old ulcers of the soul, provide better service to the common good, increase your peace and happiness quotient, even when finding yourself in scenarios of conflict and frustration, which are inexorable phenomena in the human condition.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
September 28, 2023

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