Black Holy Mary and the mystique of a binomial of two centuries: one vector toward the past and the other toward the future – a tribute to "Black Mary Christ", on the occasion of the Our Lady of Aparecida Day

It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.

Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in Brazilian lands, was already taking place the unspeakably abominable slavery (in practical terms, coinciding with the European colonization of Brazil, from 1500 onwards) of members of original African peoples or of people born of various mixtures, including those involving the white race.

The Christic Mother of humanity made a point of manifesting Herself in an Image of a Black Woman, to symbolically and dramatically express not only Her Mercy for all those who lay victims of the ominous moral wound that stained (and still indelibly marks) our homeland’s history, but also the correlate condemnation of the horror of human oppression and evil, so hideously revealed in the unspeakable scourge of a sociocultural slave system.

Let us be alert to the camouflages of slavery – many of which are of poor quality, even in the intellectual elaboration of the disguise – and rise up against all these heinous acts that continue to destroy the self-esteem of millions of souls, from the cradle onwards, for reasons related to the circumstances of birth, the appearance of the physical body or the social origin of a creature. Elitism and aporophobia, LGBTphobia, xenophobia and racism itself all relate to the same diabolical pattern of perversity that attacks the dignity of individuals and entire communities – of every human being, in the final analysis.

Hail, Our Lady of Overflowing Wonders, the Maternal Face of God, which is reflected to the earthly civilization by Mary of Nazareth, the one who was the Mother of Jesus and who also bears, like Him, the evolutionary stature of a Christic Being! Yes, because to deny Her spiritual condition would be to incur another aberration, equivalent to the previous ones: that of misogyny, which would then take on blasphemous contours, as it involves the Highest Authorities who represent the Divinity for our planet.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in honor of “Black Mary Christ”
on the occasion of Our Appeared Lady Day
LaGrange, New York, USA
October 12, 2023

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