The Promised Paraclete… is the Spiritual Mother of the Earth, in the Name of the Maternal Face of God!

And, as Jesus prophesied, when the Paraclete arrived, he would explain to the apostles everything that he had taught them.¹

In fact, in the space of just 50 days in vigils of prayer, in seclusion and gathered with her, Mary Christ, the first disciples of the Christ-Verb were seized by a “Sacred Fire” and from then on began to perform all the prodigies that Jesus had generously done before he left the material world of existence.²

She, the Spirit of the Planetary Christic Mother, who would never relegate us to abandonment… who has always been and still is with us today, even two thousand years after the events of Original Christianity… and who, in the same unalterable way, will continue to welcome us, inspire us and comfort us for all the centuries to come, saving us from Armageddon…

She, who rescues us from the purgatory of atonement in which we are immersed, gradually leading us to the orchard of transformations and realizations for the good to which we can already transfer ourselves, in the present, until we reach the evolutionary condition of being raptured to paradise, even though we are still far away, as individuals and as a civilization, from this complete bliss of full immersion in the Kingdom of Heaven!…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in honor of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
November 6, 2023

1. John 14:26.
2. Acts 1:13-14 and 2:1-4.

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