Global ecological and war crisis, in an approach to strengthening institutions with a gender perspective – Written statement submitted by the MCS to the UN CSW68

Written statement of the Mary Christ Society (or “Sociedade Filantrópica Maria de Nazaré”, an organization in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council) submitted to the 68th session of the “Commission on the Status of Women”¹

A civilization that does not give primacy to the protection of its least valued members is unfeasible.

The dignification of femininity, which necessarily involves the empowerment of women and girls, would bring unequivocal positive results in the field of political-cultural, socioeconomic and even military strategies.

It is easy to make the crass mistake of getting distracted by the urgencies of an alarming war scenario, with emphasis to the conflagration between Ukraine and Russia and the recently erupted terrorist conflict involving Israel.

However, it is of the utmost importance that we recognize that, at the root of every invasive, violent and/or terrorist territorial dispute, we will inevitably find the diabolical seed of the degenerate patriarchalism, which has plagued humanity for so many centuries.

Nothing will be resolved, in a definitive way, with the horrendous expressions of ghastly slaughter on the battlefronts, if we do not turn to the deep roots of this multi-millennial cancer that has caused bloodshed to stain the history of our earthly community, both in the form of anachronistic carnage of Dantean fratricidal escalations and in the cyclopean monsters of hunger, pandemics and all the corollaries of poverty – such as structural failures in basic sanitation, minimum medical and hospital support and access to education and technology.

The institutions, whether governmental or not, that support gender diversity need to be honored with support not only at the political and mediatic level, but, above all, in the pragmatic sphere of financing their approaches to helping billions of women and girls who do not enjoy access to the basic benefits of education, for example, academic and professional, that qualify them as citizens in their homelands, as citizens of the world!

The speeches and infamous warmongering initiatives of confrontation between nations, peoples, ethnicities and races are the consequences of the infernal web of irrational, inhuman and genocidal assumptions that make ignoble the daily lives of hundreds of millions of women of any age group and, on a global and multifaceted scale, degenerate into the problem of the international expansion of the nuclear weapons arsenal and the very acute and unpostponable matter of climate and environmental crisis.

There is no more time to waste on words thrown to the wind. It is urgent to raise awareness, and effectively unfold it into practical and sustainable measures that will politically and financially support all serious organizations that work to minimize, in whatever sphere, the countless and serious problems that revolve around the lack of equality in the treatment of people, based on the obsolete and obscene misogyny that wounds, bleeds and keeps hemorrhaging, on the verge of irreversible collapse, the entire humanity of our small planetary corner.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
October 11, 2023

1. CSW68 (2024) Theme: “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.”

See the Portuguese version: Crise mundial ecológica e bélica, numa abordagem de fortalecimento de instituições com perspectiva de gênero – Documento de participação da SMC na CSW68 da ONU

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