About happiness

About happiness
Felicity is not facility. There are no shortcuts to be happy.
Happiness is not a goal. It is a thermometer for people to evaluate if they are on the right path, the one assigned by God in the heart of every creature.
Happiness does not necessarily have to do with joy or pleasure. One can be happy, even with notes of sadness or other forms of suffering. Sadness and pain are opposites, not to happiness, but to joy and pleasure, respectively. Of course, a little joy and pleasure, with less sadness and pain, create and even favor a context of happiness, but they do not comprise it entirely. Happiness is in the commitment to follow what one’s own conscience points out as a vocation of service to the common good.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar and Spiritual Friends
New Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
August 14, 2018

About happiness

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