The Three Great VOICES of Heaven

The Three Great VOICES of Heaven


The Three Great VOICES of Heaven 



Sunlight burst in the atmosphere of deep sadness… 

Three VOICES, in perfect synchrony, boomed:

We want Our Spokesperson to be exposed before the multitude 

We want everyone to know that he represents Us 

We want this to be patentin an emblematic manner!… “

And the medium was herded and constrained by Unknown Forces, in such a way that, during a heartfelt prayer, as in the classical events of the New Testament, making clear allusion to the Words of JESUS regarding His endorsed representatives1, he, publicly (and with electronic records attesting to the event), asserted, categorically and spectacularly, for the continuity of the physical life of a young lady, already dying, invoking, for that, the interference of the Three Great Spiritual Powers of the Earth, in the Name of GOD: 

 “I bind1… I bind the incarnation of Luíza!… 

If this is considered a Miracle… let it be! “ 

And Luíza, who lay condemned to imminent death, according to the final opinion of several medical authorities, after having exhausted all the resources of a state-of-the-art hospital ICU, rapidly recovered her vitality and health, from that moment on, returning later to the plenitude of normality of her material existence. 

 Hail the Christs of GOD! … 

Hail the Infinite Goodness and Perfect Intelligence of the DIVINITY! … 


Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit), 

In the Name of the Christs JESUSMARY and GABRIEL (the Three VOICES) 

Psychography received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar 

March 18, 2018 


1. Matthew 16:19. 

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