The Good Deed of the Day

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar and the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Have you done the good deed of the day?

A cliche? Very little?

We agree. However, let us think objectively. What will be the result, in a domino effect, for hundreds, thousands of people, if you make it a daily practice (doing it, of course, even much more than once a day) adding months, years, a whole existence, dedicated to such a simple philosophy of life?

In the long run, it can be worth more, but truly much more than waiting for a perfect opportunity to do much… which probably will never come, because it is the Law of Life that it is so: how to expect much, if you do not devote yourself to “this little”? … Let us begin now, without complaints or excuses.

Did you make any effort today to leave your comfort zone and do an act of pure and disinterested kindness, even if it costs you little or almost nothing? If not, there is still time to do so. Technology helps us: electronic, personal, fraternal messages only costs a few coins of good will! And, by your side, at home or work, a beloved one or a coworker may be the focus of your affectionate attention, of your prayer, a cuddle, a sweet look, a smile…

A policy of daily action that may be a way of saving yourself from the boredom of routine, the lack of purpose to live, the unstopping search to consume, conquer, pay the bills… This practice is a relatively easy path and perhaps a glorious one, of peace… and happiness…, which, for a long time, you have been looking for…!!

Message received on July 2, 2014 

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