Connecting with happiness

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugêna-Aspásia


Do not fear. God is love. Everything happens to your well-being, even if that is not clear now. It can only be for your sake, since God is God and, therefore, His/Her Infinite Intelligence and Perfect Love may only allow everything for the good of His/Her creatures. Otherwise, God would not be the Absolute He/She is.  If you do not understand the reason of your pain now, wait patiently for the right moment, when the sacred purpose of bliss will be obvious.

We are still the little child who suffers from the obligation to attend such school, without reaching its importance, or who is often angry at the generous mommy who takes us to school despite our will and under the most ungrateful protest on our part. God is this Good and Just Mother who does not properly want to be loved but to do the good for Her offspring. We are the rebel little baby who, full of crazy assumptions, think fit to judge the Designs of the Supreme Being of the Universe.

Be fraternal today. Be happy now. Do everything you can that is good for yourself and for others, every day and always. Happiness is not of those who search for it, but of those who live happiness now. Those who look at what they lack and what others have, eventually forget how much they already conquered and how many people do not have the third part of what they have.

Being happy is to be grateful, kind and be with God in his/her heart. Not in the hypothetical and distant future, but now, in the present time, which reveals the connection with the Eternity, the alignment with the Flows of Life.

Message received on January 2, 2002.  

Connecting with happiness

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