Whispers of Wisdom – 45

Benjamin Teixeira
by the Spirit Eugênia.

Human concerns usually are so vain, so unnecessary… We should put ourselves at a higher perspective. From above, problems can be seen in their real dimension: much smaller than they first seem to be when we are immersed and close to them. And placing ourselves in a higher angle of observation is to think about the goals that are worth to focus on. It is to take the viewpoint of timeless and collective issues: the essential values of life such as family, spirituality, knowledge and happiness.

Let’s ask ourselves: “In one year’s time, what bothers me now will still be bothering me then?” If we answer that probably not, then the matter that afflicts us is secondary and we should not give it the importance we currently are giving, because we will be just reinforcing what should be forgotten, after we assimilate the essential lessons it may be offering.

(Message received on October 04,  2005.)

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