Whispers of Wisdom 87 – The Transforming, Healing and Solving Power of Work.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

Are you depressed? Work for a good cause. Are you hurt, angry, or afraid of the future? Work, extending benefits to others. Afraid of betrayal inside your family? Fearful of treachery in the workplace? Work, even more, to extend progress and well-being to entire groups.

In [...]

WHISPERS OF WISDOM 73 – Before Problems and Amid Crises.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

So much unnecessary fear! Tackle one problem at a time, or all at once, if you can’t avoid the series of attacks life presents you. But do not accept any excuses, that come up to your mind, to move away from the essential disciplines, commitments and [...]

The Art of Saying No.

Message by an unknown Spirit.

One of the first words that a child learns, in any language, is no. It is also one of the most used and heard, since infancy. In the animal kingdom, the instincts prevail and nothing else can be done unless saying yes, continuously, to the unstoppable impulses of [...]

WHISPERS OF WISDOM 84 – Facing Life’s Complexity.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

Irony: for the mature and cynical mind.

Paradox: for the lucid and educated spirit.

Contradiction: for the stubborn and lazy intelligence.

Confusion: for the dull and poor intellect.

Ambivalence: for the experienced soul that sees beyond the appearances – the essence of things.

What do you [...]

WHISPERS OF WISDOM 83 – Intelligence and Happiness.

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Eugênia.

Nimble fingers to type, swift mind to analyze.

Would the heart be present, though?

So much thought, clear thinking, objective data, logic!

However, where is the feeling, with ethics, consciousness and value judgment?

Watch, friend, that your efficient thinking does not be a mere calculation; and do [...]