WHISPERS OF WISDOM 73 – Before Problems and Amid Crises.

Benjamin Teixeira
by the Spirit Eugênia.

So much unnecessary fear! Tackle one problem at a time, or all at once, if you can’t avoid the series of attacks life presents you. But do not accept any excuses, that come up to your mind, to move away from the essential disciplines, commitments and responsibilities to which you feel to be attached.

If you keep yourself unwavering, in the line of duty, at the height of the worse crises, you guarantee the solidest security you can conquer for yourself: the imperturbability of the self-possessed soul, for what it has determined essential.

Therefore, do not ask for the difficulty to leave: ask the strength to come; and, principally: strive to develop it, and the permanent gains with temporary adversities will be so great that you will thank God for nurturing you with so much good, from so little evil.

(Text received on April 16, 2007.)

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