Gays and Centuries.

Gays and Centuries.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the spirit Temístocles.


1700. Homosexuals are living aberrations, abominable to God, that need to be eliminated, by the bonfires still lit by the Inquisition in countries like Portugal. Lisbon is the world capital of gay horror…

1800. The Napoleonic Code grants homosexuals freedom of expression, without being treated as criminals. They can be depraved, but we should protect their freedom to express their dissoluteness. Paris becomes the first big gay Mecca of modern times.

1900. Freudian psychoanalysis states: homosexuals are neither delinquent nor dissolute, but sick people that should not bypass treatment. Put them in clinics, not in prisons. Vienna becomes the biggest symbolic asylum for the perverts of sexuality.

2000. After international consensus, scientifically and officially documented, the American Psychiatric Association, in 1973, declares that homosexuality is not a crime, neither an illness, nor a mental disorder, but simply a singular manifestation of human sexuality. Not only New York and San Francisco, but also, Paris, London, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and practically all major metropolises of the world are converted in free and bubbling points of the gay universe.

2100. Homoaffectivity will be considered as natural as heteroaffectivity, and all cities, small or large, in all civilized and democratic nations of the world, will be peaceful oases for the manifestation of love between equals.

In what century are you?


(Text received on May 30th, 2007)

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