Gay Defense or Panegyric?

Gay Defense or Panegyric?

Benjamin de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia.

Pallas Athena became the symbol of wisdom and of constructive combativeness, for the Occident and she was gay. So much so, that her name, originally only Athena, became Pallas (name of her much loved consort) at the request of herself to her father, Zeus (after [...]

Discriminated People and Conventions (Short Answers from the Spirits – 07)

Discriminated People and Conventions (Short Answers from the Spirits – 07)

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Q – Edna: Could you explain to us the parable of the Good Samaritan?

A – A very appropriate question, Edna. Edna is referring to a passage from the synoptic gospels [...]

Gays and Centuries.

Gays and Centuries.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the spirit Temístocles.

1700. Homosexuals are living aberrations, abominable to God, that need to be eliminated, by the bonfires still lit by the Inquisition in countries like Portugal. Lisbon is the world capital of gay horror…

1800. The Napoleonic Code grants homosexuals freedom [...]