Being Sad.

Being Sad.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

I know you’ve been sad. In truth, you still are. Your castle of illusions fell apart. Like a banishment, an expulsion from paradise, from your long cherished and edified dreams in the plane of the ideal. And after all your fantasies crumbled, you still had to keep an unscathed appearance, before the mob unconscious of your inner dramas.

It doesn’t really matter. Ignore the burning flame of those that do not understand you. Keep the plumb line of balance, staying away from any radical position, accommodative or escapist – the most typical reactions to similar situations. If they don’t understand you, it’s a singular opportunity for you to develop self sufficiency before other’s judgment. What others think does not matter much when compared to what you feel about yourself, what your consciousness cries or whispers to you about the direction you give to your existence.

Yes… I know it already. You haven’t been able to maintain the high quality standard that you believe is your duty. But why not accept a lower, but sustainable standard?

I’m not going to endorse self-victimizing attitudes. You are not a victim of anyone or anything. React. Gather resources for the unrelenting fight and do not get intimidated by apparent setbacks: they are indeed processes of deeper self knowledge – of your own limits, of what is really possible for you to manage, the extent of your personal power, with what you can compromise and in what way.

Give thanks, therefore, for the opportunity of your moment of fall: it has brought you precious lessons that you must assimilate process and apply immediately.

(Text received on January 28, 2001.)

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