Effective attitude (banner 6)

Effective attitude (banner 6)


You can and should be creative. Difficulty is a stimulus to unfold latent potentials. Stop and think in a different way. With a little effort, you will be amazed at the results. In any case, to surrender to lamentation will not help you; rather, it [...]

Effective attitude (banner 5)

Effective attitude (banner 5)

Your circumstance is subjected to your choice of attitude. In your attitude lies your power. And, in the realm of ideas, through the decision to think correctly and to choose the best option, you will have the genesis of the best of attitudes… which will [...]

Effective attitude (banner 4)

Effective attitude (banner 4)


Be on your own side. Exercise self-love. Invest in yourself. Work toward your deep self-fulfillment. All of this comes down to: stop complaining and instead act in favor of your own happiness and the happiness of your brothers and sisters in humanity.

Effective attitude (banner 3)

Effective attitude (banner 3)

If the clouds of the moments do not favor you, soon they may very well be in your favor. Therefore, allow yourself to get out of the state of mind of sadness, discouragement or revolt, to facilitate the arrival of the better [...]

Effective attitude (banner 2)


Effective attitude (banner 2)

If you are sad, remember that this is about one moment and that life is not defined by one instant, but rather by the mental patterns that define the ideas, values and behaviors of an individual, establishing a positive or negative average of one’s existence.