Seizing the Time

Seizing the time 


You, who are young, use the time you have with quality. Sooner than you think, maturity and senescence will come, whispering sinister warnings concerning the end of the line. Young men and women usually suffer, on Earth, from the lamentable delusion of being physically immortal. Even if they believe to be fully aware of their organic finitude, they act as if there was plenty of time ahead, in their physical body, wasting precious opportunities (many of them unrecoverable) of doing, being, loving and changing, in the short space of one existence in the physical life. 

You, who are middle-aged, do not surrender to bitterness and remorse for the time lost during your young years. Very few People go through young age without some serious time squandering. Besides, very little can be done during youth, because of the lack of inner support for doing so. Maturity is the apogee of life. Between the ages 30 and 60, the human being experiences the most productive, creative and fertile phase of their life. During this time, fair amounts of youth’s strength and vitality are combined with the experience and the confidence bestowed by time. Instead of thinking about the time lost, consider intelligent ways to compensate yourself for the lost time, by doing more and better, in less time. 

You, who journey through your elderly years — freely considering here, all the time that goes beyond the age of 60, in the physical body — understand that this is the golden phase of your life. Only those who reach this age, with lucidity and health, have enough clarity for the great visions of the spirit. Old age is the field of exploration of the soul. In it, not only the wisdom acquired in a lifetime is consolidated, but also important insights of the near and distant future are attainable.  

No one becomes competent enough, for big responsibilities, until they have reached or are close to reaching this age. The government of the peoples, the guidance of crowds, the religious, the artistic and cultural leadership, as much as possible, ought to be in the hands of older people, who have been seasoned by time and life. Of course that there are precociously mature youngsters, as there are also some imbecile and superficial elders. The body does not always depict the Spirit. However, it is necessary, almost always, for the fully expression of the soul’s evolutionary achievements, a brain that has been prepared by years of uninterrupted activity, favoring, thus, the channeling of subtleties of the Spirit into the brutality of the matter. 

Regardless of your age, consider using time properly. Time is our greatest judge, just as much as our greatest gift, the most precious asset that we have at hand for the realization of our projects, for the accomplishment of our ideals. 

Do not leave for tomorrow, due to the addiction to procrastination, nor consign to the past, in the torment of remorse for the time lost, what you can do today. Do it now, even if just a little, but keep on doing this “little”, continuously, daily, systematically, and you will be surprised by the effects of this persistence. For those who persevere, resources, allies, inspiration and energy always come for the manifestation of divine ideals. 

There is no greater tragedy than the loss of time, of opportunities to do good to oneself and to others. Do not waste the opportunity of doing today, even if in small doses, everything you deem essential, from a declaration of love to the spouse immersed in the routine of a tedious marriage, to the first initiative for the fulfillment of an old dream. It is possible to be happy at any stage of life. For this to happen, It is important to make the good use of time a top priority, so that, in the realization of the good, as in the transformation of the evil into a greater encouragement and information toward the practice of good, one succeeds in reaching that feeling of wholeness, personal fulfillment, happiness and peace. 


Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia 

Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar  

October 9, 2001 

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