Divine breath

They told you it would not be possible…

However, if what you feel you must do is an impulse that really comes from your soul and not from your ego, if you are truly moved by the feeling to fulfill your responsibility and not by the desire to stand out above others, follow your heart and face all difficulties.

The suggestions of intuition, of the “voice of the conscience,” are dictates that come from the Creator Him-Herself, even though they are expressed in an encrypted language, which allows the individual the right to evade the suggested path, through the mistaken use of their free will.

Although God always knows the best route for His-Her creatures, He-She never imposes anything.

So be attentive to the subtle inspiration from your ideal, from peace and wisdom, from the service to others and from the search for fulfillment.

In this almost inaudible breath of truth, you will find the inarticulate Voice of God, echoing every day in the depths of your heart.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
September 19, 2004

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