Pyramid Shaped UFOs – Extraordinary Sign from Heaven!… Another One!…





From the deck of a US naval vessel – the USS Russell, according to a statement by US Department of Defense spokeswoman Sue Gough – officers on the military vessel recorded video of several pyramid-shaped flying objects (initially “presumed to be” drones), in July 2019, precisely in the period between the announcement we made about the gradual approach of Mary Christ to the surface of the Earth, in June of that year, and the date on which, in fact, She visited the crust of our planet, on the 4th of August of the same year.

For decades, ufologists have commonly associated unidentified flying objects with Marian Apparitions. On the other hand, in biblical prophecies, there are repeated references to signs in heaven…

The optical illusion hypothesis, as an explanation for the event, rather than a UFO phenomenon, is so silly and refutable that the Pentagon – with its gigantic teams of ultra-talented technologists from various scientific disciplines – not only ratified the reality of the “mysterious” occurrence, through the validation of the video document, but also kept part of the information investigated in secrecy: a typical attitude in military operations considered strategic, in terms of “national security”, always covered with a strong tone of confidentiality.

The symbol of our Organization-Movement, the Instituto Salto Quântico, is well known: two pyramids placed in front of each other at the apex, the lower bluish one, representing the physical domain of existence, and the upper golden one, symbolizing the Pleiad of Celestial Authorities that govern our destinies, individually and collectively. The latter (the golden pyramid), which, from the human perspective, would be “upside-down

”, allegorically implies an inverted order in relation to the mundane: the values of the base are turned “upwards”, towards what is of the Spirit, what comes from God.

It is worth noting, as we have already reported, numerous times, in our exclusive lectures to members of our organization, that the “Golden Pyramid” had been, for some years, traveling in the airspace of the orb, moving towards the USA, where we are residing, since February of last year.

Similar to what we see in the opening vignette of our Sunday lectures, we would dare to say that the dynamic and flickering alien pyramids captured on video come (came?) from a structure of equivalent format to, in larger proportions, a kind of “Mother Ship”(?) ”, an “Indestructible Golden Pyramid”, as the Spiritual Masters call it, in clear allusion to the Supreme Power of Divinity and the Forces, Beings and Communities that represent It.

As Our Master and Lord Jesus said in a free quote: “whoever has eyes to see and ears to hear, let him see, let him hear”.¹

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium) and Spiritual Friends
Bethel, CT, Greater New York City, USA
April 14, 2021

1. Matthew 13:9; Mark 4:9; Luke 8:8.

Below, links to the article on the topic (on the mystery wire website), to the original video (whose authenticity was confirmed by the Pentagon) by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and to the point where the opening vignette of our lectures is shown (in the episode streamed Sunday, 04//11/2021).


Link to the Mystery Wire article

Link to the original video

Link to our vignette

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