3 parameters of spiritual self-protection

3 parameters of spiritual self-protection
 Besides reinforcing our watchfulness and dedicating ourselves to prayer, as often as we have an intuition — or feel the need  — to do so, let us live the spirit of fraternity, which is the third immunizing element against the mental waves of destructiveness and disturbance that surround us.

Thus, in the combat against every malaise that seems “senseless” or “too justified,” let us choose to tune to the good, keeping ourselves in a vigil-meditative-praying state, as much as it is within our reach, and let us commit ourselves to the exercise of universal fraternity, through the unfolding of constructive activities of shared learning and through the fulfillment of the duties that our conscience points out to us in the interaction with our brothers and sisters in humanity.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Spiritual Friends
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
September 5, 2020

3 parameters of spiritual self-protection

3 parameters of spiritual self-protection



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