Divine Mother and Perfect Provision

I am the Mother!

Absent the trust in the Divine Goodness, which is Infinite, turn to me, beloved child, for I represent the Maternal Face of God for the Earth.

Goddess-Mother is Endless Mercy and will always forgive you of all sins.

It is you, however, who need to take the initiative to repent for your errors and omissions, beseeching Heaven for mercy and, above all, striving to make amends for the evils you have committed or for the benefits you have failed to spread.

Yet, if you lack conviction in the Eternal Reality of the Unrestricted Compassion of the Divinity, come to me in prayer, and I will serve as a living bridge between you and the Absolute Mother!

Be at peace, serve and love, as much as it is within your reach, and then be certain: the fruits of heavenly grace will soon appear in your pathways, in the maximum extent of your personal assimilation – that which does not disturb your current evolutionary rhythms and needs – even if the blessings bestowed do not often correspond to your human expectations since the Supreme Intelligence invariably provides what is, in fact, better for the true happiness of each one of His/Her creatures…

No matter the setbacks, the challenges or the frustrations that you face, move on, beloved child, seeking the unfaltering trust in the Divine Providence, which never ceases to offer Protection, Inspiration and Provision to your existential route, to your soul, to your faith!…


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium) and
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
October 15, 2020


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