Whispers of Wisdom 28

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

When you wish to start a new life, do not think of a complete break up with the past. There are critical situations – but these are the exception – in which we have to rupture with what we have been living and, actually, make a “revolution” in our lives. However, as much as possible, think on terms of progress. No real transformation disobeys nature´s spirit of progressiveness. Lifelong changes are always based on a past of cumulative achievements. without foundation, the building does not remain standing… Without deep roots, a tree cannot spread its treetop.

Therefore, when you think about taking big leaps in life, think firstly about strengthening the muscles of your legs or you will not only frustrate yourself, as you can also seriously hurt your “lower limbs”.

Message received on September 19, 2004  

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