For Dealing with Authentic Spiritual Guides


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
 Espírito Eugênia-Aspásia.

It is common for spiritual guides, masters of the soul or guardian angels (1) to favor certain circumstances-limit, so that the apprentice discover, by herself, the saturation point in a lesson that she should assimilate and for which she feels resistant, and then freely make, on her own assessment, the decision to change or follow a new route in her existence in that particular area. We should not expect from the Good Spirits, or from good psychologists or teachers, frequent and clear indications of what we should do. Here or there, suggestions can be inspired, even some of practical and objective order. But there is a certain genre of initiatives that imply maturation of the individual, and we cannot abort processes of psychological and/or spiritual development, in the name of charity and love of our neighbor.

So if you want to establish a relationship with the prolific Community of Wisdom or those attuned to it, embodied or disembodied, respect the respect they have for you, because they will treat you as a conscious adult, not like a toddler, who is lead by hand or carried on the lap. Remember, however, still considering the metaphor of childhood, that elementary teachers cannot take the hand of the young student and do for her the handwriting exercises, essential to the development of her psychomotor system and other neurological functions associated to written language.

(Text received on November 14, 2013.)


( 1 ) It is more appropriate that we be called teachers of the Spirit or existential mentors-monitors  only, because the free will and judgment of each apprentice  – as in this article we approach the subject – are preserved up to the last level of understanding of these expressions .

(Note from the Spiritual Author)

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