The Message of Your Existence

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

You were born to be happy… and to spread, wherever you go, the sacred fragrance of happiness.

Do not let yourself get impressed by the energies contrary to good, from “this world of trials and atonements”, that do not match your best level of mental wave. Assimilate destructive forces with goodness, transform them into goodwill towards your neighbor, and favor, with this attitude, the transformation of karma into dharma, of moral debts into spiritual credits, and of danger into service that, in the end, will place you under the protection of the Lord and His Armies of Good.

Are you more sensitive and perceive what others cannot? So: do not convert a virtue into a weakness, a power of perception into a temptation to escape. Turn your antennas to the High, and put yourself in resonance, as much as you can, with the Angels of Goodness, in the Sublime Plan of Life, no matter how hard it may seem to you, in this emotionally dark moment that opens itself to your perspective.

Yes, there are days when the sky seems darker; hopes, less smiley; looks, less friendly; the air, less breathable. However, there are many other days, in which the sky seems to have come down to the ground, carpeting with flowers your journey on Earth. Doesn’t this happen in your life? Or has it seldom happened? So, be the one who takes the initiative to garden someone else’s existential journey, filling with flowers of love and charity the sides of your own daily route, offering them to whomever you cross paths; and, rest assured, a day will come – and it might not be far – when these flowers will come back to you, maybe even more colored and fragrant.

Love and hate, as any energy you throw at the universe, always return, usually stronger. Thus choose the best, carefully and attentively, when emanating the signal of your existence to the world.

(Message received on October 20, 2007.)

(Translated by Iris Souza – Revised by Marcone Vieira)

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