How to foster success and happiness?

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia.

“Is today my lucky day? How do I foster my success and happiness?”

Many ask themselves about astral, astrological, archetypal and psychological influences, to find out “the vibrational tone” of the day and foster the occurrence of what is best for them.

We follow, based on the western paradigm-system of thinking: the Greek school, of rationality; the Christian school, of responsibility and decision; the Roman school, of pragmatism and action; and, at last, the Jewish-Christian school, of devotion to God – the four invisible pillars (unconscious and universal) of cosmovision of human beings on Earth, according to the opinion of several respected scholars, whom we corroborate.

If you belong to the age of information, science and technology – made hegemonic on the planet (with its origin in Europe, spreading over the western world, and in the last decades reaching the eastern hemisphere of the globe) – consciously or unconsciously you agreed with these epistemological patterns, making choices and visceral decisions, in all departments of your existence, in accordance with this quadruple subliminal parameter of perception.

So, in short, if based on this axial gnoseological foundation of the contemporary man and woman, you seek the ideal of correct thinking, you will necessarily seek to take actions, external as well as internal, to favor what is best for your life and that of others (which amounts to the same thing), instead of waiting for alien reasons to define what will happen to your destiny, though paradoxically, you must be ready to follow God’s Will regarding you (trying to align yourself, through effective spiritual methods, with His/Her sacred purposes) and recognize that the element of unpredictability pervades all fields of human existence, aware, therefore, that control is a childish myth (springing from the ego) degenerating one’s condition of adulthood.

(Article co-written at the dawn of January 5, 2012)

(Translated by Iris Souza – Revised by Marcone Vieira)

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