The Miracles of Jesus – Why did the Master sometimes ask people to spread his prodigies and other times to keep them secret? (Short answers from the spirits – 03).

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit 

Q: I would like to know why Jesus sometimes asked people to spread the news of his miracles and other times he asked just the opposite.

A: Indeed, there are some contradictions, not only in the biblical text as a whole but in what concerns the New Testament and now alluding particularly to the four synoptic gospels, because I believe Delano was referring to the classic gospels. Am I right, Delano?

Delano, when Our Lord Jesus in his gospels sometimes asked that certain revelations didn’t happen, he was referring to specific contexts of people, not only the one who received the miracle but also those – we will use the words freely – miracle should be understood here as a prodigy performed by Our Lord Jesus, involving some laws of nature, not yet apprehended by human science on the physical plane on Earth, in its current level of advancement.

Anyway, we will use the words freely. We ask our friends to, please, make their own interpretations and adaptations to our choice of words, choosing the ones that please them most, so that we won’t waste our time with semantics, since the polysemy of words often times makes it difficult to have an interaction with good communication. It’s just that in this case, given the depth of the question, we should not worry so much with this linguistic and etymological focus.

Back to the point, Delano, the miracle, the prodigy or the extraordinary healing took place in different contexts.  Sometimes the beneficiary of these deeds had a strong urge to feel too special, maybe assuming they had qualities or virtues that justified the gift coming from a higher power. These people, particularly these people, that suffered from an inflated ego – that is why we were talking about the ego before your question, Delano, and of its inflation – inflation, and not properly growth as complexification of the soul, as advancement to higher levels of perception.

Exactly because of that, because these people were suffering of an ego inflation and not of an expansion of conscience towards the perspective of the self, because of this very complex issue that has very serious and destructive implications in one’s growth process, in the awakening of one’s conscience, in the reaching of higher levels of values and feelings above all, Our Lord Jesus proposed a test: do not speak, save it for yourself, feel thankful within yourself. To you whose ego asks you to tell it to everybody so you can feel special, Jesus said: keep silent.

Other individuals with a different psychological profile, Delano and our friends that listen to us, had a natural urge to save only for themselves the exceptional blessing of the grace received, as if they were avaricious with the celestial blessings, as if they told themselves: “I will keep the gifts from heaven to myself and the ones I love and I won’t share them with others, so I won’t be criticized, or misunderstood, I would rather – since I am a more mature person, I understand I will profit nothing by making it public – I would rather hide it. Why expose myself?

This  voice of the ego that Temístocles, other master from our group, calls old ego – the ego of older people or at least an egoical  system found more often in older people – says: “never mind, think of yourself first, let it go, why show off, take care of you and your own matters”.

Sometimes very distinguished entities try to make a communication and some people become very demanding with the use of the language. For instance, the old African sages, known as “preto velho”, intentionally use words in a wrong way. Many times beings of light use an informal language as a test, because if they are not perceived by their hearts’ vibration they would better not to be received by the excitement of the ego.

To those too worried about what would be told of them if they made public the blessings they received from this new prophet – that is how Jesus was seen, a cult founder and a trouble maker, since every person that creates controversy ends up to bother the accommodated conservatives – Jesus said: “go, present yourself in the temple, tell your people about the graces and wonders that Lord has done to you. This he said to those who had a natural tendency to fear, to be shy.

Therefore, dear Delano Mothé, we have the different guideline rules to deal with different personalities or characters with whom we interact. There is a very good saying in law, in the doctrine or philosophy of law:  “treat equals equally and unequals unequally”, a universal principle of the good law and full justice.

I hope I have answered your question…

- Are you satisfied?

- Perfectly, thank you very much.

I feel grateful for your understanding with the communication difficulties of this gray haired, olden, wrinkled teacher – I mean emotionally wrinkled, because we need to always have new standards to reach.

I hope to be able to measure up to the needs and expectations of our friends, but no one should have the expectation of doing so entirely. My intention is only to channel, despite my inherent limitations, the blessings, the wisdom of the higher plan of life, from which I am a very deficient reflector.

Benjamin says it would be better… He’s bothered because I say that he disagreed, like if there was a protest. Disagreement can happen without protest though.

– Don’t you agree, Delano?

– Yes, I do.

We are going to end here and let Benjamin take over and bid farewell to our dear friends.

Your mother, teacher, simply,

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