Unerring Attitude

Unerring Attitude

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit 

If you are sad, remember it is just a moment: and life is not made of one instant, but with mental patterns that define the moments, patterns of ideas, values and behaviors that establish a positive or negative average of one’s existence.

Now the clouds of the moment are not favorable to you; however, soon after, they can be well in your favor. Therefore, let go of your sadness, disheartenment or anger so you can ease the advent of a better day. The more correctly you react to this less happy moment, the better tomorrow will be. Suffer, then, with dignity, understanding pain as a learning mechanism, not giving it much attention in order to not dramatize it or make it stronger by focusing your mind on the less happy aspects of the situation, losing the chance to see its constructive nuances, the seeds of solution already present in the passing hour.

You can be creative. Difficulty is a stimulus to unfold asleep potentials. Stop and think in a different way. You’ll be surprised at the results of a small effort. Anyway, giving in to sorrow will not do you any good, it will only make your situation worse. Your circumstance depends on the attitudes you choose. In your attitude, lies your power. And in the field of ideas, by the decision of thinking correctly and choosing the best, you will have the genesis of the best attitudes.

Stay on your side. Exercise self-love. Invest in yourself. Work to forward your happiness. Summing it up: stop complaining and start acting to forward your own happiness.

(Text received on October 13th, 2ooo.)

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