The new order of world survival


Our focus should no longer be on sacrificing what concerns the world. We must sacralize, in our psyches and behaviors, what is in fact already sacred.

Instead of abandoning the material plane and our commitments to it, let us seek to complement this perspective with an amplifying paradigm of our worldview, which includes the Fundamental Floor of reality: the experience of Spirituality, the contact and relationship with the Divinity.

Without this primordial parameter of who we are in essence, we will not find a firm foundation to build, in a realistic and sustainable way, any of the great causes of humanity, such as the environmental preservation, nuclear disarmament, the dignification of minorities, the abolition of socioeconomic inequality, within nations and in the global arena…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Matheus-Anacleto (Spirit)
LaGrange, New York, USA
August 17, 2021

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