The greatest Triumph of a human being.

Fe vs ReasonBenjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugenia-Aspasia.

The ancient Greek word for “faith” – “pistis”, included in the basic and first versions of the Gospel – reminds us of the idea of engagement, responsibility for a decision, a personal and deep decision for a way of life.

It’s extremely important that each of us feel this meaning of believe like a commitment, in our inner world, to facilitate achieving faith. Faith as a great construction of the Spirit, one of the most important tasks of the soul, in her evolution’s way, the dialectical spiral of the Spirit’s development.

We should devote our lives to build this big psychological fort, paradoxically abstract and concrete, at the same time. Abstract, in the meaning of the inextricable subjectivity and complexity of the challenge to face evanescent events, in a material world. Concrete, ‘cause it is capable to permit the individual’s biggest conquest: the contact with the ultimate base of reality, which Quantum Physics thinkers call “infinite field of possibilities and probabilities of possibilities”.

On the other hand, besides these apparent empty and vague speculations, that ironically guarantee a solid basis to our intellect on this slippery ground to the logic thought, we can’t deny the serious and fundamental necessity to put into practice that kind of lucubration.

A set of simple disciplines may bring immense results:

1)    Pray every day, to talk to the Divine representation we prefer.
2)    Belong to a support group of individuals with similar convictions and principles, no matter whether it’s a religious one or not.
3)    Extend our belief into actions in the everyday life, in the form of solidarity and humanitarian initiatives.

(Psicography received in English, on the night of 11/14/2013, in Danbury, CT, USA. Base-text for the Study Group in English led by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar and Marcone Vieira, on 11/15/2013.)

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